Friday, September 16, 2011

Harry Potter in 99 Seconds

I do have to say that this is my new favorite video on youtube. Its involves little spoilers for the series, creative liscense and techniques involving posting yourself in the same video. I also recommend that you look at this artist's resume of videos, one including a paper beatebox. When some people have too much time on their hands, they make bad videos. This guy is not one of them.

Friday, September 9, 2011

OneNote with Microsoft

With digitools we have explored the functions of Microsoft OneNote. The functions are quite similiar to Evernote, although this is a program that comes with the Microsoft Enterprise 2010. I was introduced it through the class by my teacher, and quite frankly, I like it. Its very handy and it doesn't take a lot of computer knowledge to use it so many people could understand and work together on it.

It comes with many functions including writing in tables without having to bother with text boxes. There are also digital functions such as clickable checkboxes and versatile icons. I like Onenote and would like to have the ability to use this program during class. Another convienant function is that you can type anywhere on the page. This is nice because you can label diagrams and photos. My favorite function is the screen clipping button. While on the internet you can find a picture and if you want to have just the picture but not the website around it, you can click the screen clipping button and crop that picture right from the internet into your notes, with a citation. This would be easy to use when researching a topic and needing to citate everything.

So between OneNote and Evernote, I like Onenote better. Just so many functions that we can use to better our note taking in the digital future. I would strongly recommened checking both out, though. Evernote is a website that requires a log in and it saves all your notes to their database. Everyone you allow can view them, and they can be shared onto sites like Facebook and Twitter, even a better way to help classmates or buisness associates use your knowledge.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why I Spend Much Time On the Internet

As my mother will tell you: I spend way too much time on the computer. It may seem pointless, but I do get some things done. I look up things to research, music to listen to, and terms that I may need. it may sound rather "deviant" as the title may suggest, but it was created as a free posting website for aspiring artists to get their art out onto the web and hopefully get discovered. But nowadays the site is used for submissions that connect people thorugh favorite topics and "fanart" of their favorite series. I use deviantart to see what other people use as inspiration and hopefully be inspired myself. But I also use it for humor because as the site grows, it's used for more humorous and comical ideas. This website is like a wikipedia for all the information on specific subjects. I can look up a video game and and company and the site will lead me to information on characters, plot, and develpoments in new games. I can look up a person and get link to all the books or movies that they have worked on. I of course use the popular website to find the song that I heard on the radio and absolutely needed to hear again. This gives me the ability to find out what everyone is talking about when Lady Gaga has "gone too far again" with her latest video and see exactly what everyone means. It also helps me browse through the songs on albums that you don't hear on the internet so that instead of the thirty second preview you get on Itunes, you can hear the whole song then decide if the whole album is worth it.

So if this is wasting time, I guess you have your opinion, but I'm curious about what websites other people spend so much time on, so tell me please.